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Thursday 11 July 2013


This blog will hopefully or/and possibly contain:
 - Fun video clips and images that I feel are worth sharing.
 - Interesting videos of information that could be useful, or news that are interesting.
 - Possible game updates, links to kickstarter projects and similar things.
 - Thoughts and reviews of food, recipes, games, movies, tv shows, services and other things.
 - Discussions.
 - Awesome new things, such as scientific discoveries and developments.
This blog will hopefully and possibly NOT contain(Unless related reviews, delayed updates, just funny or otherwise relevant):
 - Life updates, such as what I ate or if I got sick.
 - Issues and emotional bullshit.
 - Dick pictures. Unless trolls invade? :p
 - How to take over the world guide(s)
 - Emotional support for aliens.
 - Hentai,Furry or other types of dirty content.
 - What ever else I do not feel like posting here.

I could not post this on youtube nor twitter. So first entry, here ya go.

"So, I just thought I'd put a thought or two about TV shows here. I'm listing a few TV shows and what I think about them.
All the comments listed bellow each of shows listed, are my opinions of the show.
 • Game of Thrones • 10/10 "Prepare to see a lot of tits!"
The best TV show I've ever came across. Follow many characters throughout their struggle, fortune and misfortune in this merciless story in this epic show. The story plays out in a medieval fantasy world. Top score to this one, an lone first place holder in my list.
 • Supernatural • 8.5/10, but in my book, I'd say 9/10, damn fanboy I is.
I've always liked this show. A story about two brothers struggle against ghosts, demons, angels and all sorts of unnatural spawns of both evil and good. Set in modern time(2000-2013ish time that is) and a very entertaining show. Some people have trouble enjoying the first few episodes of this show, but if you pull through a couple of episodes you'll get a lot more involved with the characters and their stories and will most likely enjoy the show as much as I do. There's lovely sarcastic humor or just plain horrible but funny jokes, throughout most of the episodes.
 • American Horror Story • 5.5/10
A unique show, merciless, crewel, bloody and creepy. Season 1 was way better than Season 2, but I liked both seasons. A lot of people do not like the show that much, but I found it very entertaining even though, sometimes the pace or content could feel slow or lacking. If you like the initial description of the show, you will probably enjoy watching this show though. Both seasons are set on different timelines. Season 1, Modern, Season 2, 50-60is-ish or maybe earlier? Not sure.
 • Grimm • 7.5/10
The show is about a more unique kind of Grimm's life in Portland, working as a Police officer in modern day. A good fantasy twist with creatures of all kinds. Even though the show often has occasional bad acting, scenes or lack of logic, it still deserves the 7.5 rating it gets.
 • Walking Dead • 8/10
A unique show with zombies. Follow a group of survivors in a zombie apocalypse. The show could be better, but it is not bad. The quality of the picture and filming of this show is great, which is part of why it earns a 8/10 score. However on various occasions some things feels to lack sense/logic/place. A very forgiving character base which doesn't really reflect of how I think life would be in a zombie apocalypse. I don't think the story was written to reflect as much over all of the characters as much as the writer wanted to portrait his vision of how the world would be in an zombie apocalypse.
 • Zombieland • 3/10
Just not going to do more than rate this. A good attempt at a show, but most of the score this got is from some hot chick who is an actress in the show.
 • Mythbusters • 9/10
A great show where Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman, test rather or not various myths are true or not. Of course they can only test myths of worldly things such as, myths about people building rocket cars or ducktape airplanes.
The show would get 10/10 if I did not feel that, often I sit there in front of the TV being annoyed on how they missed out on various details.
This is no fictional show. Many episodes are dull and dragged out, the content of each show can be eyeopening to tiring. Worth watching by anyone! Adam and Jamie also pop up on at least one youtube channel, such as testedcom, which also has a homepage @
 • Defiance • 7/10
A sci-fi, futuristic show that plays out on a world changed by war between many alien races and human kind. You follow the story of a man and his daughter as they try and survive on the harsh new world. The show doesn't have a great pilot episode, but it gets better as you progress past the first two episodes. You will get to follow various views on honor and culture of alien races, struggle against corruption, struggling for survival and so forth. I enjoy the show more than I thought I would, but I do not love it. I believe this is worth checking out, especially if you are a big sci-fi fan.
 • Eastbound and Down • 8.5/10
Fantastic vulgar comedy show. Be prepared for a lot of bad words and even more laughter. Don't remember much about the show, though I do remember that it is very good.
 • Death Valley • 7/10ish
A very funny show about a police department in a world where zombies, vampires and all kinds of creatures roam the city. What town or city it was in I can not remember. As it is a comedy show made for the laughter it brings, I can not lower the score of the show for any lac of logic in gun fights or similar things. I had a blast following this show.
I've been waiting for a second season of this show now for a while, but suspect that they canceled that project.
The show is supposed to look like it is in modern day US, with a twist. If you haven't seen this show, try and find a trailer or something to fill you in on what you have missed. I recommend checking it out.
 • Da Vincis Demons • 6.5/10 maybe a 7? ..
Follow Leonardo Da Vinchi in this story of his achievements, losses and struggles in and around Renaissance Florence. I'm not sure how to sum up what the show is like and I'm quite tired of writing this stuff out by now! There's many flaws, but overall, it remains entertaining and quite interesting.

Have a good one!"

 - B

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