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Monday 7 October 2013

Borderlands 2 Golden Keys

Get the Golden Keys!
Do you play Borderlands 2?
You should get some skins and Golden Keys to help you out!


Saturday 21 September 2013

Lloyd the Rocking Unicorn

the Rocking Unicorn
An ongoing webisode show on Youtube.
A unique kind of Unicorn show
Watch the currently available and funny
episodes by following the link bellow!

Lloyd the Rocking Unicorn playlist

Monday 16 September 2013

Some Wonder Boy 5 Monster World 3 OST? Om nom!

blergh, post got a temporary design now!
And if you are using IE, almost everything probably look
horrible! And I give 0 f***ks ;-p
Wonder Boy in Monster World 3 Genesis Box cover

Sunday 15 September 2013

Kickstarter - River City Ransom: Underground

Check out this awesome Kickstarter, which is a project
aiming to bring a game from 1990 back, along with a lot
more than the good old NES could handle.

Identity Sequence by zircon

From one of TotalBiscuit's tweets I found out about this awesome album by Zircon. Check it out.

Saturday 14 September 2013

TotalBiscuit - Hearthstone: Lord of the Arena (1-10 + Extra)

Watch TotalBiscuit play Hearthstone.
The playlist in this post contains 11 videos of him playing
Hearthstone in the Arena mode.
I'm sure you will enjoy.. mostly!
Hearthstone @

Jackfrags - Warning and advice - DAYZ Imposters

There has been people impersonating good'ol Jackfrags in hopes
of stealing money from exploitable youth. Searching for
victims on various places such as Steam,Youtube and Skype, these
criminals claims to be Jackfrags and then asks for a fee to play
DayZ with them. Scumbags!

Check the related video out bellow.

Thursday 5 September 2013

Charity Bundles and such....

So the plan for this post was to list various charities, such as Hope For Paws.
But I lazy -> sick -> wanted to post other s**t already! And so, I ended up giving up on
writing the post in mind and changed it into something "simpler".
I hope something in the post comes of use!
Charity Bundles!

Oculus Rift

TESTED: Jamie Hyneman tries Oculus Rift
TotalBiscuit tries Oculus Rift
A potentially fantastic game, that has Oculus Rift in mind.

Monday 2 September 2013

Mega Man spiritual successor, Mighty No. 9

I am sure a lot of you out there
have played at least one of the
games in the Mega Man series.
So check this awesome kickstarter out!

Mighty No. 9

Monday 26 August 2013

League of Legends stuff

Most ADC/Marksmen summed up Ashe picture
This video pretty much sums up the behavioral pattern of most AD Carries or, Marksmen.
Sight Ward picture Warding
This video by Joe "Voyboy" Esfahani, shows you how your team should place wards correctly.

Monday 19 August 2013

Hammerwatch has been Green lit on Greenlight!

Go get Hammerwatch here or buy a four-pack here

Media Player Classic No sound fixes

File   View   Play   Navigate   Favorites   Help
Here I've listed various ways to solve your no sound issues in MPC-HC / Media Player Classic
1. Options -> Internal Filters -> Audio Switched -> Disable, Apply and then Re-Enable
2. Options -> Playback -> Output -> Audio Render -> 1: System Default.
(Make sure that playback on your system sound settings, is set to the audio device that you are using)
The solution bellow worked for me, but remember that it may cause additional problems!
3. Open "regedit" via Start Menu by entering regedit in the text field at the bottom, or press "Windows Button + R".Go to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\Audio\PolicyConfig\PropertyStore\" and then Search and remove all folders ending with "_0" that contain mpc-hc.exe, you can do this by pressing ctrl+f after you are in the PropertyStore-folder. Be careful so that you do not remove keys outside of the PropertyStore-folder.
Once all of the keys are gone, you should be able to watch videos with sound again
Thanks to sbalmont for the registry fix.

League of Legends builds

Singed Portrait
Want to play as Singed again?
You should give this a read and a try!
Poppy Portrait
Or, maybe you fancy playing as Poppy?
Read this through, read all of it!
Thanks to InvertedComposer and SCGhost

Sunday 18 August 2013

Satellite Reign: Technology

A Satellite Reign update
You can still support the project via PayPal and allow the team to reach the next goal, thus allowing the game to contain more awesome features!

Hotline Miami

I played through this game a few days ago
and I have to say. IT IS AMAZING!
You can get it on Steam or on GOG.
Check out the first impression
video by TotalBiscuit, bellow.
Note: The first impression video
is outdated.

Thursday 1 August 2013


So I've tried this games current available beta version and thought it was tons of fun. Check it out? ;-)

Saturday 27 July 2013


For you who have not seen my previous post about this game, check it out here.
Satellite Reign, reached and rose over their initial goals and eventually
I'll be getting a sweet boxed copy, delivered to my door! Awwwyeaaah!

Cinnamon Challenge

It has been beaten. Hamster style.. I'd call it.
I strongly recommend not going full retard and doing it.
But hey, that is all up to you!

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Just because there has been silence.

I guess having a USB that will boot you into a interfaced OS would be nice, one besides Windows that is.

Now all you need is some computer where you've broken your OS and want your photos back! Except if you broke the HDD. I didn't include any recovery links up there. Maybe you know some good bootable OS, or free recovery software?

 - B

Sunday 14 July 2013

Cube World

The game Cube World started out as a hobby project in June 2011 by a guy who calls himself Wollay.
I followed some of the development for a while and found it interesting. The game play seemed a lot more fun than that of Minecraft, much more interesting movement and features that were there of the bat.
Cube World however, isn't focused on sandbox crafting which I hope gets added, either as a game mode or just an additional feature.
Check out the game homepage, you need to use Paypal to buy the game, but I am not sure if you have to create a PayPal account. I would if I were you though.

Picroma , Cube World homepage

- B

Friday 12 July 2013

Steam Summer Sales anyone?! [ENDED]

Steam Summer Sales
Some of these deals were better on the sale, but that is over. There are flash sales and daily sales. If you are not already subscribed to TotalBiscuit's channel, then I suggest you go check it out. There you will fine some good suggestions on how to make sure you don't spend too much on the deals and also, how to pick up the best prices out of the few.
Now I must go! I know this post is not on time, but the sale is still going, so I thought I'd post it now!


Thursday 11 July 2013

Satellite Reign

Sup bros and lovely ladies!?

Did you play Syndicate Wars(Syndicate Wars Wiki entry) back in the day? Check out this video for the history of the game Anthony Salter - "Syndicate Wars - History and Gameplay" He has a link to Satellite Reign in the video comments.
Well, one or the fellah who made Syndicate Wars have started a new project, aimed to be in the same old game style as Syndicate Wars in the same world.
I personally have been waiting for this for many, many, many years!

Go support the project! Satellite Reign @ Kickstarter


This blog will hopefully or/and possibly contain:
 - Fun video clips and images that I feel are worth sharing.
 - Interesting videos of information that could be useful, or news that are interesting.
 - Possible game updates, links to kickstarter projects and similar things.
 - Thoughts and reviews of food, recipes, games, movies, tv shows, services and other things.
 - Discussions.
 - Awesome new things, such as scientific discoveries and developments.
This blog will hopefully and possibly NOT contain(Unless related reviews, delayed updates, just funny or otherwise relevant):
 - Life updates, such as what I ate or if I got sick.
 - Issues and emotional bullshit.
 - Dick pictures. Unless trolls invade? :p
 - How to take over the world guide(s)
 - Emotional support for aliens.
 - Hentai,Furry or other types of dirty content.
 - What ever else I do not feel like posting here.

I could not post this on youtube nor twitter. So first entry, here ya go.

"So, I just thought I'd put a thought or two about TV shows here. I'm listing a few TV shows and what I think about them.
All the comments listed bellow each of shows listed, are my opinions of the show.
 • Game of Thrones • 10/10 "Prepare to see a lot of tits!"
The best TV show I've ever came across. Follow many characters throughout their struggle, fortune and misfortune in this merciless story in this epic show. The story plays out in a medieval fantasy world. Top score to this one, an lone first place holder in my list.
 • Supernatural • 8.5/10, but in my book, I'd say 9/10, damn fanboy I is.
I've always liked this show. A story about two brothers struggle against ghosts, demons, angels and all sorts of unnatural spawns of both evil and good. Set in modern time(2000-2013ish time that is) and a very entertaining show. Some people have trouble enjoying the first few episodes of this show, but if you pull through a couple of episodes you'll get a lot more involved with the characters and their stories and will most likely enjoy the show as much as I do. There's lovely sarcastic humor or just plain horrible but funny jokes, throughout most of the episodes.
 • American Horror Story • 5.5/10
A unique show, merciless, crewel, bloody and creepy. Season 1 was way better than Season 2, but I liked both seasons. A lot of people do not like the show that much, but I found it very entertaining even though, sometimes the pace or content could feel slow or lacking. If you like the initial description of the show, you will probably enjoy watching this show though. Both seasons are set on different timelines. Season 1, Modern, Season 2, 50-60is-ish or maybe earlier? Not sure.
 • Grimm • 7.5/10
The show is about a more unique kind of Grimm's life in Portland, working as a Police officer in modern day. A good fantasy twist with creatures of all kinds. Even though the show often has occasional bad acting, scenes or lack of logic, it still deserves the 7.5 rating it gets.
 • Walking Dead • 8/10
A unique show with zombies. Follow a group of survivors in a zombie apocalypse. The show could be better, but it is not bad. The quality of the picture and filming of this show is great, which is part of why it earns a 8/10 score. However on various occasions some things feels to lack sense/logic/place. A very forgiving character base which doesn't really reflect of how I think life would be in a zombie apocalypse. I don't think the story was written to reflect as much over all of the characters as much as the writer wanted to portrait his vision of how the world would be in an zombie apocalypse.
 • Zombieland • 3/10
Just not going to do more than rate this. A good attempt at a show, but most of the score this got is from some hot chick who is an actress in the show.
 • Mythbusters • 9/10
A great show where Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman, test rather or not various myths are true or not. Of course they can only test myths of worldly things such as, myths about people building rocket cars or ducktape airplanes.
The show would get 10/10 if I did not feel that, often I sit there in front of the TV being annoyed on how they missed out on various details.
This is no fictional show. Many episodes are dull and dragged out, the content of each show can be eyeopening to tiring. Worth watching by anyone! Adam and Jamie also pop up on at least one youtube channel, such as testedcom, which also has a homepage @
 • Defiance • 7/10
A sci-fi, futuristic show that plays out on a world changed by war between many alien races and human kind. You follow the story of a man and his daughter as they try and survive on the harsh new world. The show doesn't have a great pilot episode, but it gets better as you progress past the first two episodes. You will get to follow various views on honor and culture of alien races, struggle against corruption, struggling for survival and so forth. I enjoy the show more than I thought I would, but I do not love it. I believe this is worth checking out, especially if you are a big sci-fi fan.
 • Eastbound and Down • 8.5/10
Fantastic vulgar comedy show. Be prepared for a lot of bad words and even more laughter. Don't remember much about the show, though I do remember that it is very good.
 • Death Valley • 7/10ish
A very funny show about a police department in a world where zombies, vampires and all kinds of creatures roam the city. What town or city it was in I can not remember. As it is a comedy show made for the laughter it brings, I can not lower the score of the show for any lac of logic in gun fights or similar things. I had a blast following this show.
I've been waiting for a second season of this show now for a while, but suspect that they canceled that project.
The show is supposed to look like it is in modern day US, with a twist. If you haven't seen this show, try and find a trailer or something to fill you in on what you have missed. I recommend checking it out.
 • Da Vincis Demons • 6.5/10 maybe a 7? ..
Follow Leonardo Da Vinchi in this story of his achievements, losses and struggles in and around Renaissance Florence. I'm not sure how to sum up what the show is like and I'm quite tired of writing this stuff out by now! There's many flaws, but overall, it remains entertaining and quite interesting.

Have a good one!"

 - B